Offline Dictionary Inc 应用

Kamus Inggris 1.0.3
Aplikasi kamus inggris yang ringan lengkap danbisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Sebagai bahasa internasional sangat penting untuk mengetahui artibahasa inggris.Maka dari itu sedikit demi sedikit anda bisa pelajari di dalamaplikasi ini.share kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris ke teman anda untuk meyakinkanmereka arti kata bahasa inggris itu.English dictionarylightweight application is complete and can be used when there isno packet data.As an international language is very important to know the meaningof the English language.Thus little by little you can learn in this application.share of words in the English language to your friends to convincethem the meaning of the English language.
Electronics Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Electronics terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Electronics Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Electronics Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Neurology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Neurology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Neurology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Neurology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Journalism Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Journalism terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Journalism Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Journalism Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Psychology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Psychology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Psychology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Psychology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Architecture Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Architecture terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Architecture Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Architecture Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus PKN 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamusPendidikanKewarganegaraan (PKN) akan selalu menemani anda untukmengingatistilah-istilah Pariwisata di kampus atau disekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah PKN dalam aplikasi kamus PKN ini.aplikasi kamus PKN juga memudahkan anda melakukan share ketemanatau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat a pocketbookdictionary application Citizenship Education (PKN) willalwaysaccompany you to remember the terms Tourism on campus oratschool.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add tothecollection term in a dictionary application PKN PKN this.PKN dictionary app also allows you to share with friends orsocialmedia words and meanings contained in the dictionary.
Paleontology Dictionary 1.0
The Best Offline Paleontology Dictionary.This app will work as a great pocket resource forPaleontologyterms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Paleontology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Paleontology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Sosiologi 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamus Sosiologiakanselalu menemani anda untuk mengingat istilah-istilah Sosiologidikampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah Sosiologi dalam aplikasi kamus Sosiologiini.aplikasi kamus Sosiologi juga memudahkan anda melakukan shareketeman atau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat a pocketbookDictionary of Sociology application will always accompany youtoremember the terms of Sociology on campus or at school.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add tothecollection in terms of Sociology Sociology is adictionaryapplication.Sociology Dictionary app also allows you to share with friendsorsocial media words and meanings contained in thedictionary.
Military Dictionary (DOD) 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor (DOD) Military terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Military Dictionary – you are able tobookmarkall your favorite translations for fast reference to yourfavoriteslist by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthis(DOD) dictionary.+ Include thousands of Military Words and Terms.+ Military Dictionary (DOD) Work Offline – It work offline,noactive internet connection is required. Perfect for your tripsorwhen no internet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The Military Dictionary(DOD)app come with an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Military Dictionary (DOD) 5 stars if you findthisapp benefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Madura 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Madura yang ringan lengkapdanbisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Keanekaragaman budaya suku-suku dan bahasa daerah diIndonesiamembuat kita ingin tahu arti bahasa daerah seperti yangada dalamkamus bahasa Madura ini, sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajaribahasa Madura di dalam aplikasi Kamus Madura ini.Pencarian kata dapat anda lakukan dari Madura ke indonesiaatausebaliknya dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa Madura.Mohon maaf bila masih banyak kekurangan kata bahasa Maduradalamaplikasi ini.Semoga aplikasi Kamus Madura ini dapat membantu anda yangsedangbelajar bahasa Madura.ApplicationDictionaryMadura complete lightweight and can be used when there isno packetdata.Diversity of ethnic cultures and local languages ​​inIndonesiamakes us want to know the meaning of local languages ​​asadictionary Madurese language is, little by little you can learnthelanguage of Madura in Madura's Dictionary application.You can do a word search of Madura to Indonesia or vice versafromIndonesian to Madurese language.We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings wordMadureselanguage in this application.Hopefully this Madura Dictionary app can help you in learningthelanguage of Madura.
Software Engineering Dict 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Software Engineering terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Software Engineering Dictionary – you areableto bookmark all your favorite translations for fast referencetoyour favorites list by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Software Engineering Words and Terms.+ Software Engineering Dictionary Work Offline – It work offline,noactive internet connection is required. Perfect for your tripsorwhen no internet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The SoftwareEngineeringDictionary app come with an user friendlyfunction.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Software Engineering Dictionary 5 stars if youfindthis app benefited you.Thank you.
Biology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Biology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Biology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Hukum 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamus Hukumakanselalu menemani anda untuk mengingat istilah-istilah Hukumdikampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah Hukum dalam aplikasi kamus Hukum ini.aplikasi kamus Hukum juga memudahkan anda melakukan share ketemanatau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat a pocket bookLawDictionary application will always accompany you to remembertheterms of Law on campus or at school.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add a collectionoflaw terms in a dictionary application of this law.Law Dictionary app also allows you to share with friends orsocialmedia words and meanings contained in the dictionary.
Kamus Bahasa Jawa 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Jawa yang ringanlengkapdan bisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Keanekaragaman budaya suku-suku dan bahasa daerah diIndonesiamembuat kita ingin tahu arti bahasa daerah seperti yangada dalamkamus bahasa Jawa ini, sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajaribahasa Jawa di dalam aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Jawa ini.Pencarian kata dapat anda lakukan dari Jawa ke indonesiaatausebaliknya dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa Jawa.Mohon maaf bila masih banyak kekurangan kata bahasa Jawadalamaplikasi ini.Semoga aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Jawa ini dapat membantu andayangsedang belajar bahasa Jawa.ApplicationslightweightJava Language Dictionary is complete and can be usedwhen there isno packet data.Diversity of ethnic cultures and local languages ​​inIndonesiamakes us want to know the meaning of the local language asitexists in the Java language dictionary, little by little youcanlearn the Java language in Java's Dictionary application.You can do a word search from Java to Indonesia or vice versafromIndonesian to Javanese.We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings Javanese wordinthis application.Hopefully this Java Language Dictionary app can help you inlearningthe Java language.
Law Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Law terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Law Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Law Dictionary 5 stars if you find this appbenefitedyou.Thank you.
Geology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Geology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Geology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Geology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Civil Engineering 1.0
This app will work as a great pocket resourcefor Civil Engineering terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to pay anythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watcher searchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the words whileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all your favoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list by clickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit your bookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthis dictionary.+ Include thousands of Civil Engineering Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connection isrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no internetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with an userfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Civil Engineering Dictionary 5 stars if you findthis app benefited you.Thank you.
Zoology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Zoology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Zoology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Zoology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Zodiak Terbaru 1.0.2
Zodiak terbaru adalah aplikasi sederhanauntukmelihat ramalan bintang anda setiap hari. dengan tampilanyangsederhana untuk memudahkan loading data terbaru.Sebagai hiburan dan sugesti anda maka tidak adasalahnyamenggunakan aplikasi ini.Aplikasi ini masih dalam tahap pengembangan untuklaebihbaik.The latest Zodiac isasimple app to view your daily horoscope. with a simple displayforeasy loading new data.As entertainment and your suggestion then there is no harminusing this application.This application is still in the development stage forlaebihwell.
Islamic Dictionary (No Ads) 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Islamic terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Islamic Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Islamic Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Electrical Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocket resourcefor Electrical terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to pay anythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watcher searchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the words whileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all your favoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list by clickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit your bookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthis dictionary.+ Include thousands of Electrical Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connection isrequired. Perfect for your trips or when no internetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with an userfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Electrical Dictionary 5 stars if you find this appbenefited you.Thank you.
Mechanic Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Mechanic terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Mechanic Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Mechanic Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Botany Dictionary 1.0.2
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Botany terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Botany Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Agriculture Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Agriculture terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Agriculture Dictionary – you are abletobookmark all your favorite translations for fast reference toyourfavorites list by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Agriculture Words and Terms.+ Agriculture Dictionary Work Offline – It work offline, noactiveinternet connection is required. Perfect for your trips orwhen nointernet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The Agriculture Dictionaryappcome with an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Agriculture Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
KBBI 1.0.3
Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI)adalahkamus resmi Bahasa Indonesia. dari data yang Dibuat olehPusatBahasa Kemendiknas.Bahasa yang digunakan dalam kamus ini adalah bahasa formal.Kamu juga dapat menambah data baru untuk koleksi data barudiandroid kamu.Kamu dapat mengkopi kata dan arti kamus ke system, sehingga bisadipaste di aplikasi lain. Kamu juga bisa share ke (Gmail), BBM,Line,FB Chat, Twitter, Google+, dan lainnya.keywords : kbbi, kamus, kamus besar bahasa indonesia.Big IndonesianDictionary(KBBI) is the official Indonesian dictionary. Createdfrom data bythe Ministry of National Language Centre.The language used in this dictionary is a formal language.You can also add new data to the collection of new data onyourandroid.You can copy words and meaning of the dictionary to the system,sothat it can be pasted in another application. You can also shareto(Gmail), BBM, Line, FB Chat, Twitter, Google+ and more.keywords: KBBI, dictionary, large dictionary Indonesian.
Sociology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Sociology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Sociology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Sociology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Korea 1.0.3
Aplikasi kamus korea yang ringan lengkapdanbisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Sebagai anak kekinian sangat penting mengetahui arti bahasakoreadan itu pasti karena sedikit demi sedikit anda bisa pelajarididalam aplikasi ini.share kata-kata dalam bahasa korea ke teman anda untukmembuatmereka penasaran apa arti kata-kata itu.aplikasi ini juga sangat membantu bagi anda yang sedangbelajarbahasa korea.Koreandictionarylightweight application is complete and can be used whenthere isno packet data.As a child is very important to know the meaning of thecontemporaryKorean language, and it must be because little bylittle you canlearn in this application.share words in the Korean language to your friends to makethemwonder what the meaning of those words.This application is also very helpful for those of you whoarelearning the Korean language.
Kamus India 1.0.5
Aplikasi kamus india yang ringan lengkapdanbisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Banyaknya film,sinetron,lagu india yang masuk ke indonesiasangatpenting untuk mengetahui arti bahasa india.Maka dari itu sedikit demi sedikit anda bisa pelajari didalamaplikasi ini.share kata-kata dalam bahasa india ke teman anda untukmembuatmereka penasaran arti kata bahasa india.India milddictionaryapplication is complete and can be used when there is nopacketdata.The number of films, soap operas, songs india coming intoIndonesiais very important to know the meaning of theIndianlanguages.Thus little by little you can learn in this application.share words in Indian languages ​​to your friends to makethemcurious about the meaning of words in india.
Internet Slang Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Internet Slang terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Internet Slang Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Internet Slang Dictionary 5 stars if you findthisapp benefited you.Thank you.
Aviation Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Aviation terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Aviation Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Aviation Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Akuntansi 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamus Akuntansiakanselalu menemani anda untuk mengingat istilah-istilah Akuntansidikampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah Akuntansi dalam aplikasi kamus Akuntansiini.aplikasi kamus Akuntansi juga memudahkan anda melakukan shareketeman atau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat a pocketbookAccounting Dictionary application will always accompany youtoremember the terms of Accounting on campus or at school.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add tothecollection in terms Accounting Accountingapplication'sdictionary.Accounting Dictionary app also allows you to share with friendsorsocial media words and meanings contained in thedictionary.
Kamus Ekonomi 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamus Ekonomiakanselalu menemani anda untuk mengingat istilah-istilah Ekonomidikampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah Ekonomi dalam aplikasi kamus Ekonomiini.aplikasi kamus Ekonomi juga memudahkan anda melakukan share ketemanatau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat dalam a pocketbookEconomic dictionary application will always accompany youtoremember the terms of Economics on campus or at school.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add tothecollection of economic terms in a dictionary application ofthiseconomy.Economic Dictionary app also allows you to share with friendsorsocial media words and meanings contained in thedictionary.
Math Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Math terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Math Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Math Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Entomology Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Entomology terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Entomology Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Entomology Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Syariah 1.0
seperti buku saku aplikasi kamusEkonomiSyariah akan selalu menemani anda untuk mengingatistilah-istilahEkonomi Syariah di kampus atau di sekolah.aplikasi yg ringan dan bisa digunakan saat paket internetandakehabisan.anda juga dapat menambah kata baru pada kamus ini untukmenambahkoleksi istilah Syariah dalam aplikasi kamus Syariahini.aplikasi kamus Ekonomi Syariah juga memudahkan anda melakukanshareke teman atau media sosial kata dan arti yang terdapat a pocketbookdictionary application of Islamic Economics will alwaysaccompanyyou to remember the terms of Islamic Economics on campusor atschool.applications that are lightweight and can be used when you runoutof internet packages.You can also add a new word to the dictionary to add tothecollection of Islamic terms in this Islamic dictionaryapp.Islamic Economics Dictionary app also allows you to sharewithfriends or social media words and meanings contained inthedictionary.
Kamus Komputer 1.0.3
Aplikasi Kamus Komputer adalah aplikasiyangmempersembahkan kumpulan istilah - istilah di duniakomputer.Aplikasi ini dapat membantu anda dalam mata pelajaran komputerdanjaringan di sekolah atau mata kuliah komputer dan jaringandikampus.Membantu anda menemukan istilah- istilah teknik komputerjaringantkj ataupun rekayasa perangkat lunak rpl yang tidakandaketahui.Aplikasi ini juga dapat digunakan secara offline disaatpaketinternet anda habis.Computer Dictionary appisan application that presents a collection of the term - the terminthe computer world.This application can help you in the subjects of computersandnetworks in schools or courses on campus computersandnetworks.Helps you find the terms tkj network computer engineeringorsoftware engineering RPL you do not know.This application can also be used offline when you run aninternetpackage.
Networking Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Networking terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Networking Dictionary – you are able tobookmarkall your favorite translations for fast reference to yourfavoriteslist by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Networking Words and Terms.+ Networking Dictionary Work Offline – It work offline, noactiveinternet connection is required. Perfect for your trips orwhen nointernet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The Networking Dictionaryappcome with an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Networking Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Accounting Dictionary 1.0.2
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Accounting terms and definitions.a. FREE - It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!b. Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.c. Favorite Bookmark - you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.d. Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists - you can edit yourbookmarklists.e. Add New Words / Terms - you can store any of the new termsinthis dictionary.f. Include thousands of Accounting Words and Terms.g. Work Offline no active internet connection is required.Perfectfor your trips or when no internet connection.h. Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.i. Easy to Share - Just click text for show popupsharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Automotive Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Automotive terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Automotive Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Automotive Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Economic Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Economic terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Economic Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Dayak 1.0
Bahasa Dayak NgajuAplikasi Kamus Dayak yang ringan lengkap dan bisa digunakansaattidak ada paket data.Keanekaragaman budaya suku-suku dan bahasa daerah diIndonesiamembuat kita ingin tahu arti bahasa daerah seperti yangada dalamkamus bahasa dayak ini, sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajaribahasa dayak di dalam aplikasi Kamus Dayak ini.Pencarian kata dapat anda lakukan dari dayak ke indonesiaatausebaliknya dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa dayak.Mohon maaf bila masih banyak kekurangan kata bahasa dayakdalamaplikasi ini.Semoga aplikasi Kamus Dayak ini dapat membantu anda yangsedangbelajar bahasa dayak.Dayak NgajulanguageDayak dictionary lightweight application that is complete and canbeused when there is no packet data.Diversity of ethnic cultures and local languages ​​inIndonesiamakes us want to know the meaning of the language in thearea asthis Dayak language dictionary, little by little you canlearn thelanguage in the application Dayak Dayak dictionary.You can do a word search of dayak to Indonesia or vice versafromIndonesian to Dayak language.We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings words in Dayakinthis application.Hopefully this Dayak dictionary app can help you in learningthelanguage dayak.
Chemistry Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Chemistry terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Chemistry Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate this application 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Bahasa Bali 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Bali yang ringanlengkapdan bisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Keanekaragaman budaya suku-suku dan bahasa daerah diIndonesiamembuat kita ingin tahu arti bahasa daerah seperti yangada dalamkamus bahasa Bali ini, sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajaribahasa Bali di dalam aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Bali ini.Pencarian kata dapat anda lakukan dari Bali ke indonesiaatausebaliknya dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa Bali.Mohon maaf bila masih banyak kekurangan kata bahasa Balidalamaplikasi ini.Semoga aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Bali ini dapat membantu andayangsedang belajar bahasa Bali.ApplicationDictionaryBalinese complete lightweight and can be used when thereis nopacket data.Diversity of ethnic cultures and local languages ​​inIndonesiamakes us want to know the meaning of regional languages​​as thosein Bali's dictionary, little by little you can learn thelanguageof Bali in Bali's Dictionary application.Search word you can do from Bali to Indonesia or otherwiseofIndonesian language to Bali.We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings words ofBalineselanguage in this application.Hopefully this Bali Dictionary app can help you in learningthelanguage of Bali.
English Synonyms Antonyms 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor English Synonyms Antonyms terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark English Synonyms Antonyms Dictionary – youareable to bookmark all your favorite translations for fastreferenceto your favorites list by clicking on the “bookmark”icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of English Synonyms Antonyms WordsandTerms.+ English Synonyms Antonyms Dictionary Work Offline – Itworkoffline, no active internet connection is required. Perfectforyour trips or when no internet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The English SynonymsAntonymsDictionary app come with an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate English Synonyms Antonyms Dictionary 5 stars ifyoufind this app benefited you.Thank you.
Kamus Bahasa Sunda 1.0
Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Sunda yang ringanlengkapdan bisa digunakan saat tidak ada paket data.Keanekaragaman budaya suku-suku dan bahasa daerah diIndonesiamembuat kita ingin tahu arti bahasa daerah seperti yangada dalamkamus bahasa Sunda ini, sedikit demi sedikit anda bisapelajaribahasa Sunda di dalam aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Sundaini.Pencarian kata dapat anda lakukan dari Sunda ke indonesiaatausebaliknya dari bahasa indonesia ke bahasa Sunda.Mohon maaf bila masih banyak kekurangan kata bahasa Sundadalamaplikasi ini.Semoga aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Sunda ini dapat membantu andayangsedang belajar bahasa Sunda.ApplicationDictionarySundanese complete lightweight and can be used when thereis nopacket data.Diversity of ethnic cultures and local languages ​​inIndonesiamakes us want to know the meaning of local languages ​​asadictionary Sundanese is, little by little you can learnSundanesein the application of this Sundanese dictionary.You can do a word search of Sunda to Indonesia or vice versafromIndonesian to Sundanese.We are sorry if there are still many shortcomings Sundanese inthisapplication.Hopefully Sundanese dictionary application can help you inlearningthe language.
Kamus Akika 1.0.2
Kamus Akika adalah kamus bahasa gaulparabanci, bencong, waria di indonesia.Bahasa gaul banci, bencong, waria sering didengar ketikamerekasedang berbincang dan bercanda.Kadang kita bingung tentang arti dari kata-kata bahasa banciyangmereka sebutkan.istilah-istilah dalam bahasa bencong sangat banyak dan tidakadasalahnya untuk kita ketahui.Selain kata-kata waria didalam aplikasi kekinian ini jugaterdapattambahan ribuan kata-kata kekinian atau istilah gaulterbaru.Akika Dictionary isadictionary of slang of the pansy, bencong, transvestitesinIndonesia.Slang pansy, bencong, transvestites often heard when theyweretalking and joking.Sometimes we are confused about the meaning of words sissylanguagethey mention.terms in the language of bencong very much and it would not hurtforus to know.In addition to the words of transvestites in the presentapplicationalso include thousands of additional words or termspresent thelatest slang.
Musical Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Musical terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Musical Dictionary – you are able tobookmarkall your favorite translations for fast reference to yourfavoriteslist by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Musical Words and Terms.+ Musical Dictionary Work Offline – It work offline, noactiveinternet connection is required. Perfect for your trips orwhen nointernet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The Musical Dictionary appcomewith an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Musical Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.
Telecommunication Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Telecommunication terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark – you are able to bookmark all yourfavoritetranslations for fast reference to your favorites list byclickingon the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Telecommunication Words and Terms.+ Work Offline – It work offline, no active internet connectionisrequired. Perfect for your trips or when nointernetconnection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The app come with anuserfriendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Telecommunication Dictionary 5 stars if you findthisapp benefited you.Thank you.
Logistics Dictionary 1.0
This app will work as a great pocketresourcefor Logistics terms and definitions.+ FREE – It is completely free. you don't have to payanythingever!!+ Search Tool - Equipped with quick dynamic Text Watchersearchfunction – The dictionary will start searching for the wordswhileyou type.+ Favorite Bookmark Logistics Dictionary – you are able tobookmarkall your favorite translations for fast reference to yourfavoriteslist by clicking on the “bookmark” icon.+ Managing Favorite/Bookmark Lists – you can edit yourbookmarklists.+ Add New Words / Terms – you can store any of the new terms inthisdictionary.+ Include thousands of Logistics Words and Terms.+ Logistics Dictionary Work Offline – It work offline, noactiveinternet connection is required. Perfect for your trips orwhen nointernet connection.+ Simple and easy to use interface. The Logistics Dictionaryappcome with an user friendly function.+ easy to Share - Just click text for show popup sharefunction.Please rate Logistics Dictionary 5 stars if you find thisappbenefited you.Thank you.